Software for pharmacies

Pharmacy management software

Pharmec Farmacie

PHARMEC FARMACIE for retail pharmacies

Pharmec Farmacie, the trusted partner of healthcare professionals helps you find the best ways to increase your income, thanks to the application’s multiple functionalities, which simplify activities carried out in the usual way.

Pharmec Farmacie is the complete software solution for all activities in a pharmacy.

Customers’ benefits:

E-prescription flow

  • Successfully issued e-prescriptions, in online and offline system
  • Always correct reporting, updated according to the CNAS format – the program includes a module for checking and correcting any errors before reporting
  • Reduces operating time: ensures a fast flow of prescription dispensing, generates all reports required from pharmacies by the authorities
  • Provides powerful tools to increase pharmacy revenue by: implementing loyalty cards, complex promotion systems, price catalogs and payment calendar
  • Intuitive interface, compatible with SIUI and SIPE requirements

Customer Support

  • Customer Service Department with specialized consultants for installation, training and maintenance
  • Technical support available by phone, email and remote connection with national coverage
  • Services for Serialization (OSMR/SNVM): consulting and implementation
  • Registration, installation and support services for digital certificates through partnership with CertDigital
  • Pharmacy support and consultation from Cegedim Rx specialists throughout the country

Permanent update

  • Online
  • According to the rules issued by NHIH, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Finance
  • News, advertisements and e-learning

Service and maintenance

  • For software applications and IT equipment, recommendations on the purchase of hardware and fiscal equipment, including their installation


DIRIGENT for pharmacy chains

Dirigent is an application dedicated to pharmacy chains, where operational information from the points of sale is centralised in one place at the head office.

Data centralization

  • Masterdata of Products, Partners, Suppliers and Customers – with the possibility to add new customers directly from the Pharmec Pharmacy app
  • Automatic transfer of documents between the pharmacy chain’s workplaces (orders, invoices, notices, etc.)
  • View stock from other points in the chain directly in the product release interface in Pharmec Pharmacy
  • Unique barcode at the chain level – with possibility to use 1D barcodes, 2D codes, GTIN
  • Centralized management of pharmacy settings
  • Loyalty cards and centralized promotion systems
  • Integration with the BitExplorer application dedicated to pharmaceutical distribution allows the use of centralized unique nomenclatures across the entire chain

Complex functionalities

  • Centralized price catalog (at unit level or pharmacy groups) with the possibility to calculate markup and margin at product, manufacturer, DCI, W code level
  • Centralized order from pharmacies (suggestion of automatic transfer of overstock goods between work points)
  • Editable order from pharmacies (it can contain the Defect Register plus proposed order from the pharmacy depending on the parameters set with the possibility of editing the order in the pharmacy)
  • Integrated with e-shops offers the possibility of booking and processing online orders for RX drugs directly in the Pharmec Farmacie
  • Dashboard – Purchases, Stocks, Sales, Margins, Overstock

Customer Support

  • Customer Service Department with specialized consultants for installation, training and maintenance
  • Technical support available by phone, email and remote connection with national coverage
  • Pharmacy support and consultation from Cegedim Rx specialists throughout the country

Consolidated Data

  • Dashboard: status of updates in work points, status of application information, description of updates
  • Status of replicated documents with the possibility of retransmitting documents
  • Settings and rights at the user and group level in Dirigent
  • Promotions/campaigns/information messages sent centrally to work points directly in Pharmec Farmacie in Dirigent


BitExplorer for pharmacy chains

Enterprise Resource Planning solution for optimizing the operational flows in a warehouse

Data centralization

  • Multidivision / Companies / Groups of companies / Subsidiaries
  • Distinct nomenclatures (pharmacy, dentistry, veterinary)
  • Configurable Masterdata at company/division and workplace level
  • Loyalty cards and centralized promotion systems
  • Price catalogues and sales rules
  • Customer, branch or online orders
  • Collection notes, locations, management

Module BitExplorer

  • Management
  • Financial
  • Patrimony
  • Accountancy
  • Crx Orders
  • Administration
  • Production
  • WMS

Permanent update

  • Online
  • Serialization, Reporting ANMDMR, SER
  • Automatic system for backup and retrieving the BNR exchange rate
  • Remote accessibility, cloud hosting
  • Interconnection with BIT Explorer mobile

Service and maintenance

  • For software applications and IT equipment

CRX Orders

CRX Orders for pharmacy chains

A modern and efficient pharma B2B platform for online orders that connects distributors and pharmacies.

Online agent

  • Personalized electronic offer for each customer
  • Real-time updating of promotional campaigns at customer level
  • Orders from mobile devices
  • Online information on clients’ financial situation
  • Automated orders


  • Increase online and offline visibility
  • Orders at any time of the day or week
  • Possibility to print receipts directly on mobile tax machines

Customer Support

  • Customer Service Department with specialized consultants for installation, training and maintenance
  • Technical support available by phone, email and remote connection with national coverage

Service and maintenance

  • For software applications and IT equipment

Claude Bernard drug database

Claude Bernard drug databases integrated into the Pharmec Pharmacy / Pharmec Cabinet applications provides you with all the information you need to improve your activity daily, in the relationship with each patient, facilitating:

Dispensing medicines according to prescription but also according to patient profile

  • Depending on the physiological and physiopathological parameters, co-morbidities, intolerances, allergies, special conditions such as pregnancy, breastfeeding etc.

An exhaustive medicines database

  • Without interfering or conditioning the activity of prescribing, Claude Bernard drug database brings you “one click away” all the necessary information, no longer needing to consult other disparate sources of information.

Assistance in current prescribing activity

  • Application of good practice rules regarding indications, contraindications, drug interactions, adverse effects, etc. by displaying “alert” type messages when selecting some medicines

Quick access to monographs

  • Information regarding the drug monograph (chemical composition, therapeutic class, dosage by type of patient and type of condition, according to SPC)

Want to find out more?

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