Privacy policy

Privacy and data protection is one of the key values of cegedim. As such :

Cegedim takes the necessary measures to protect the personal data that cegedim collects within the framework of its services.

Your data are hosted in france by a french company,, which is certified as a perennial health data host, iso 27001, iso 20000, iso 27017 and iso 27018, and is therefore subject – to regular security audits, by approved organizations.

Cegedim doesn’t transfer any of your data to commercial or advertising industry.

Native compliance with the RGPD

The Site is administered in compliance with Regulation (EU) No. 2016/679 on General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter “GDPR”), the provisions of the French Data Protection law (Loi Informatique et Liberté) of 6 January 1978 as amended, as well as the provisions of order n°2006-6 from january the 4th 2006, and n°2018-137 from february the 26th 2018 regarding health data hosting.

Secure hosting

Data hosting is provided by, a certified host in compliance with applicable regulations, RCS 790 173 066, 137 rue d’Aguesseau 92100 Boulogne Billancourt. Hosting is provided exclusively in mainland France.’s hosting and facilities management activities are certified ISO 27001 as well as ISO 20000, HDS, ISO 27017 and ISO 27018 and are therefore subject to regular security audits.

Would you like to know how your personal data are processed through our website?

The purpose of this Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) is to provide details on why we collect your data on our site (here in after the “Site”), how we use it and what rights you have.

This Policy is an integral part of the Terms of Use. Your use of the Site implies your acceptance of the provisions of the Terms and Conditions of Use and this Policy.

This Policy may be modified, supplemented or updated in order to comply with any legal, regulatory, jurisprudential and technical evolution. We invite you to regularly consult this Policy in order to keep you informed of the current version.

Who is data controller?

The controller of a personal data treatment, within the meaning of GDPR, is the person, public authority, company or body that determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data;.

CEGEDIM RX SRL is data controller in the context of the navigation of the present website.

Privacy is a priority for cegedim

Whether it is the data controller or a processor, Cegedim Cloud takes the appropriate measures to ensure the protection and confidentiality of personal data in its possession or that it processes in compliance with the legal and regulatory provisions in force (French Data Protection Law (LIL) and GDPR)

Which personal data are collected?

Your data might be collected and processed by Cegedim RX SRL as a data controller with the following legal basis, in order to achieve the following goals:

Data collected Legal basis Aims of the processing Retention Period
First and last name, phone number, professionnal email address, specialization, name of the company, country Consent Forms management: contact details are needed in order to be able to answer the question asked An email is generated by the form, the data are deleted after 90 days
Site connection and usage data

Legitimate interest of the company

Cookies and trackers are needed to prevent IT fraud


6 months

Who are the recipients of the personal data collected?

The recipients of some of your Personal Data are :

  • Affiliated companies of the Cegedim Group;
  • Our certified healthcare data host:;
  • Where applicable, authorized persons at our subcontractors or partners, under conditions of strict confidentiality and exclusively in order to achieve the processing purposes set out in this Policy.

How long is your personal data kept?

When Personal Data is collected, it is kept for as long as it takes to process the requests made in the forms. After this period, we will delete or archive your Personal Data in accordance with the legal or regulatory provisions in force.

What are your rights and remedies?

In accordance with the regulations in force, you dispose of a right of access to your Data Personal, rectification, effacement as well as a right to limitation of treatment, a right to portability, a right of opposition and case case a right to withdrawal of consent. You also have the right to define your directives concerning the conservation, deletion and communication of your Personal Data in the event of your death.

To exercise these rights, please contact us by e-mail at the following address : or by writing to the following address: Cegedim RX SRL , 20 Modrogan St Floor 2 011826 Bucharest District 1. You must indicate the Personal Data you wish to correct, rectify or delete and identify yourself precisely with a copy of your identity card. We will do our utmost to respond satisfactorily to your requests in accordance with the relevant legislation and regulations.

In addition, you may lodge a complaint with the Romanian data protection supervisory authority.

Opt-Out concerning Matomo Analytics :

What is cegedim srx rl's policy on cookies?

When you visit our Website or our Application, cookies may be deposited and stored on your terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.). The purpose of this Cookies Policy is to specify the different types of cookies and other similar technologies that may be used on our Site or Application.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file that a website may place on your terminal’s hard disk. It records information relating to your terminal’s browsing on the Site (such as the pages visited, the date and time of consultation, etc.) and is installed on the browser.

Why do we use cookies?

Cookies enable us to improve navigation on the Site, to optimize and personalize our services on the Site, and to measure audiences in order to offer you a website that corresponds to your expectations and preferences. The cookies we use on our Site are either issued by us or by third-party companies on our behalf. The cookies required to provide services and improve site performance do not require your prior consent. More specifically, these cookies enable us to offer users access to their account or any other reserved area via their login details, to memorize information relating, for example, to a form you have filled in or to a service, to implement security measures, to memorize your browser’s display preferences and to adapt the Site’s presentation.

In the case of cookies subject to your consent, your acceptance means that the cookies used by our site will be deposited and stored on the terminal with which you consult our site. You will therefore be able to use the Site’s services to the full.

If refusal of cookies subject to your consent does not prevent normal use of the site, certain services may not be provided.

Our Site may contain audience measurement cookies issued by third parties, enabling us to compile statistics on the number of visitors to and use of the various elements making up the Site, with a view to improving the interest and ergonomics of the Services offered.

If you do not wish to receive cookies from our website, you can set your browser to refuse cookies, block all cookies, or to alert you when you receive a cookie, asking you whether you agree to its placement, or you can inform us of your choices via the Site’s cookie management panel.

How long are these cookies kept?

Cookies are kept for six (6) months after they are first placed on the user’s terminal, following the expression of the user’s consent.

You can manage and modify the use of cookies at any time via your browser or the cookie management panel. We remind you that the deactivation of internal or third-party cookies whose purpose is strictly necessary for the provision of the service may slow down and/or disrupt access to and use of the site.